Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Long Overdue

As mentioned in a previous blog, Jeff and I spent Christmas in Charlotte with his mom, Ms. Beverly, and his sister, Wendy, and her family (Randy, Griffin, and Colton). I was able to capture a few snapshots on Christmas Day that I wanted to share.

I'm bummed that I didn't get more of Griffin, but he was too busy enjoying his new Wii games. I also did not get a family picture of Wendy, Randy and the boys, nor did I get one of Jeff with his mom and sister...what kind of photographer do I call myself?!?!?

Anyway, enjoy the photos...

Jeff and his mom

Wendy (sis-in-law), Colton (2 yrs.) and Griffin (5 yrs.)

Griffin working the bow and arrow

Colton (aka...Bob the Builder)

Isn't he just the cutest 2 year old?!?!?

The newlyweds celebrating their 1st Christmas as husband and wife!!

Colton loves hats...he's too darn cute!

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