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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mom Mobile

Last Thursday, I was out showing houses to a customer (of all times), and I had a wreck! I was backing out of the driveway of one of the homes, and the neighbor across the street was backing up too. We backed right into each other...

So, while my car is in the shop getting repaired (to the tune of over $2,600...thank you Lord for insurance!), I am driving a rental car, and it's a MOM MOBILE!!!

I do not mean to offend anyone that drives this type of car, but I feel like it's a mom mobile, and it's just not me. I'm not a mom yet, but when I am, I prefer to drive a car or SUV rather than a mini van.


Krame said...

The rental is not bad at all...silly! Keep smiling ;o)

Emily Chappell said...

When we were trying to sell our home in Birmingham, Justin accidentally rammed the rental MOVING VAN (HUGE)into the realtor's car who was showing our house.

Her client didn't buy it.

Amy said...

crack me up!!!