Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, November 11, 2010

3 Months

I'm a little behind with this post, but, better late than never; right?

Harrison turned 3 months old on October 23.  Our little guy is growing up right before our very eyes.  It's amazing to watch him discover new things each day.  He's such a joy in our lives, and we certainly cannot imagine life without him now.

Here are some photos of the last month:

This little guy is a stud!

"Hi Mom!"

Great Grandma Hull (Jeff's Maternal Grandmother)

Great Grandma Holmes (Jeff's Paternal Grandmother)

He's focused...

"Whatever, Mom...get that camera out of my face"

"Really?  You woke me up for this??"

"Ok, huntin' for pumpkins isn't so bad..."

Family trip to the Pumpkin Patch

"These fingers taste great!"

Mommy loves her some Harrison!!

Nana brought this hat back from her Boston trip to see Aunt Steph and Uncle Thomas

Harrison's dedication (11-7-10)

Harrison's Dedication Prayer (11-7-10)

I just couldn't resist...he's cute no matter what face he's making!!

In other news, I have begun my weight loss journey.  I gained 50 lbs. during my pregnancy; not something I'm proud of, but it is what it is.  The first 30 lbs. came off within the first three weeks of Harrison's life...and then reality hit.  I hit a brick wall and could not get going with weight loss.  About two weeks ago, I ran across this blog and was amazed at her weight loss journey.  I was totally inspired to get off my butt and get going with losing this weight.  

I officially started my weight loss journey on Harrison's 3 month birthday (10/23), and I'm giving myself until his 1 year birthday (7/23/11) to lose 40 lbs.  In two weeks, I'm already down 5.2 lbs.  I'm doing weight watchers because it is the easiest for me, and I had great success the last time I lost weight (17 lbs. back in 2004/2005).  So, you can do the math and realize that I'm trying to lose an extra 20 lbs. over what I gained during pregnancy.  I was about 15-20 lbs. heavier than I wanted to be when I got pregnant with Harrison, so what better time than the present to kick that extra weight!

I'm keeping a photo journal of my weight loss.  Maybe if I'm brave enough at the end, I'll post the pictures.  Until then (if that day comes), I'm using them as more motivation to kick this weight.  My next big challenge is to get back into the gym...I'll keep you posted on that one.  :-)

The holidays are fast approaching, and I'm really excited.  We're planning to visit Jeff's family in Charlotte for Thanksgiving, and I can hardly wait!!!  I'm so excited for Harrison to meet his cousins Griffin and Colton and his Aunt Wendy and Uncle Randy.  And of course, I'm super excited for Harrison to see his Grandma Holmes again!!  About a week or so ago, I got a message from Jeff's sister, Wendy, saying how excited the boys are to meet Harrison.  She said that Colton (3 yrs. in Feb.) told her that he was ready to meet Harrison.  He told her that he was going to read him the Bible and let him play with all of his toys.  Is that not the cutest, most precious, thing EVER!!  My camera is charged and ready for this special family gathering!!

We've not really discussed our plans for Christmas yet...updates will be forthcoming.

Alright, I guess I better go.  I'll have another update next week after Harrison goes for his 4 month check up and shots :-(]

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