Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, March 1, 2010

19 Weeks

I'm now into my 19th week of pregnancy and really beginning to show, and I love it!! I'm excited about getting a belly (I may not be so excited about the belly in another 4 months or so when I'm about ready to pop) and getting to wear the cute maternity clothes that I'm starting to acquire.

I had my monthly check-up today and got a good report. The baby's heartbeat was 144 and the doctor says the baby is growing right on schedule. We have our 20 week ultrasound next week and we'll get to (hopefully) find out if we're having a boy or a girl, and the doctor will be able to confirm that everything is as it should be at this point in the pregnancy. I'm looking forward to seeing the baby through the ultrasound...the last time we had an ultrasound, it honestly looked like a peanut.

According to, the baby's sensory development is in overdrive. The brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, vision, hearing, and touch. Some research suggests that the baby can hear my voice now, so I will start reading to him/her very soon!! The baby probably weighs around 8.5 oz and measures about 6". The arms and legs are now in proportion to each other and to the body. The kidneys continue to produce urine, and the hair on the scalp is sprouting (I wonder if he/she will have hair at birth??). In order to prevent the baby's skin from "pickling" in the womb, a waxy protective coating called vernix caseosa is forming on the skin. This is probably what my baby looks like now.

As for me, I got a good report at the doctor's office today. My weight gain is on target and the doctor was able to find the heartbeat much easier today (the baby wasn't dancing around in my belly). I have an undeniable baby bump that I'm absolutely loving!!! I'm super excited for the ultrasound next week...I'll get to see my baby again!!

Stephanie and Thomas visited yesterday and spent the night, and we had a fun little old school birthday party complete with Catch Phrase, Mad Gab, party hats, decorations, and homemade birthday cake with homemade hot pink icing!! What fun memories...I have pictures that I'll post soon!

~Until next time~

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