Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, March 28, 2010

23 Weeks...Movement all Around

Well, I'm now into my 23rd week...almost to the 6 month mark.  Little Harrison has been active this past week, but not as active as he was while we were in Vegas (maybe he's already taking after his daddy with his love for Vegas)!

According to, this week I should turn up the tunes and dance around to the music.  Since his sense of movement is well developed now, he can feel me dancing.  Because he's now more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), I should be able to see him squirm underneath my clothes (I have an ironic story about this...see below).  Blood vessels in his lungs are developing to prepare him for breathing, and the sounds that he hears with his increasingly keen ears are preparing him for entry into our world.  Loud noises that become familiar now - such as Marlee's bark or growl (when she thinks she's going to do something) or the roar of the vaccum cleaners (he's not hearing that much..LOL!) - probably won't bother him when he hears them outside the womb.  See what he looks like this week.

Now, on to my side story that seems so ironic to me.  Jeff came down with a pretty nasty cold on Friday night and has spent the better part of yesterday and today sleeping.  Well this morning as I was trying to wake up, I decided to see if I could feel the baby move with my hand on my belly.  Obviously I feel him move all the time, but I am so anxious for Jeff to feel the movements.  So, to my great surprise this morning when I placed my hand on my belly, I felt all kinds of movements.  It was soooooo cool!  I'm ready for Jeff to feel better so he can try his hand on my belly and feel little Harrison's movements.  I just thought it was so ironic that today is the first time I've tried to feel the movement from my belly, and the babycenter message this week said we should be able to now. I'm sitting here typing this, I can see my belly move when he moves...this is the coolest thing in the world!  I feel so blessed...GOD IS SO GOOD!!

Ok, well, that's about all I have for now.  I go back to the doctor on Thursday for my monthly check-up.  I'm excited to hear his heartbeat again...I'm guessing it's going to be 137 beats per minute.  I was right on the number the last time, so we'll see if my "motherly instinct" is right again this time.

Ta Ta For Now!!

1 comment:

The Regal Pup said...

Feeling your baby move is truly amazing! I loved it!

Bob felt Bobby kick, I think, when I was 24 weeks.