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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

22 Weeks, Vegas, Baby Furniture

I'm now into my 22nd week of pregnancy, we went to Vegas last Wedensday and came home Sunday, and we got the furniture for Harrison's room.  So, let me get started with the update!!

This week Harrison is about the size of a spaghetti squash and weighs almost a pound...he's starting to look like a miniture human.  His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becomming more distinct, and he's even developing tooth buds beneath his gums.  His eyes are formed, but the irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.  If we could see inside my womb, we'd see that his little body is covered with a fine layer of hair, called lanugo, and he has deep wrinkles on his skin which he'll support until he develops a layer of fat to fill them in.  Inside his belly, his pancreas is steadily developing.  See what he looks like this week.

As for me this week, I feel good.  I feel like my belly is getting bigger by the day (which it is) and becomming more and more noticable.  There's no second guessing now...people definitely know I'm pregnant when they see me.  I forgot to get a 22 week picture on Sunday because we were traveling home from Vegas.

Moving right along to our Vegas trip.  We left on Wednesday, 3/17 and arrived to our hotel around 11:00 pm (Vegas time).  I was super tired, so I washed up and went to bed.  Jeff headed down to the casino for a short time and came back with some extra $$ in his pocket!!!!

On Thursday, we got up early so we could get to the sports book and Jeff could make his bets for the upcoming basketball of the reasons we chose Vegas was because of it being March Madness time, and Jeff has always wanted to be in Vegas for March Madness.  Let me tell you, it was definitely March a couple senses of the words.  Vegas is always crazy, but I don't think I've ever seen it as busy as it was when we were there.  It was too much for me...and Jeff too by Friday night.  We were ready to come home on Saturday, but our flight didn't leave until early Sunday morning.

Back to the trip, we spent a good part of Thursday watching basketball games or playing some casino games.  I lost $20 in the slot machine in about 5 minutes (big spender, I know), and then I played Black Jack for a while and had a good time!  Friday, I think I slept about 16 hours of the day, and it was soooo nice.  I went out to Vegas with the complete intention of relaxing, and that's what I did.  We didn't feel pressure to do anything at all, and it was very nice.  We stayed in the room most of the day Friday, and I slept while Jeff watched BB.

As I said earlier, by Saturday, we were ready to come home.  We had had our fill of gambling, and one can only watch so much BB, and we'd seen all of Vegas that we wanted to this time around, so we just kind of laid around and took it easy on Saturday.  We went to bed early (shhh, don't tell Vegas because I'm pretty sure we were the only ones in Vegas who were in bed by 10 pm on Saturday night).  Our flight departed at 6:45 am on Sunday, so the 4:15 am call came very early.  We got back to Orlando around 6:00 pm and were happy to be home in our own bed without people running through the hallway screaming at all hours of the day and night.

Now, on to the furniture...we finally got it home last night, and Jeff worked until almost midnight getting it put together!  It looks sooooo good.  I can hardly wait to get the room arranged and put together for little Harrison.  Here are some pictures...

Boxes have been delivered

Jeff getting started and looking so handsome

Marlee had to oversee the project to ensure complete accuracy

Look at all those parts for the bed

Finished crib...looks so good!

Almost complete dresser/changer combo (missing the "feet")

Well, that's all for now.  I'll have another update in a few days.  Enjoy the week!

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