Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, August 23, 2010

Harrison is One Month Old

Today, Harrison turns 1 month old.  I cannot believe that he's already one month old.  I feel like he was just born last week.

Harrison is growing like a little weed.  He is making new achievements every day, and it is fascinating to watch him grow and learn.

Today we upped his formula to 4.5 oz from 4 oz.  He had been eating 4 oz. at each feeding for about two weeks.  He typically goes three hours between feedings; however, we have gone four hours a few times.

During tummy time the last few days, Harrison has turned his head from one side to the other and back again.  I'm so proud of him.  At times, when he's in his crib, he shows signs of trying to turn over.  Now, I know he's not going to be able to turn over for a little while, but he sure looks like he's trying at times!

Here's a picture commerating his one month birthday.  Happy one month little guy; we love you more than you can imagine!!!

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