Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, April 4, 2010


HAPPY EASTER!!  Today is a beautiful day in so many ways!  Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was raised to live on this day.  We are free because of his crucification for our sins!!

Jeff and I are up and getting ready for church on this beautiful day.  Each one of us got a little something for the other one for Easter.  Last year I made an Easter basket for Jeff with all sorts of goodies in there, but I ended up eaing most of it.  So, this year, I decided to do something very small...

I LOVE these little things, and we were just talking about them the other night when we saw a commercial for them on TV.  They don't taste like the regular Reese's cups, and at no other time throughout the year that I see these (Halloween and Christmas) do they taste as good as the ones at Easter.

Anyway, so I got up this morning and sat them out for Jeff.  When he came into the kitchen, I said, "Look, honey, I got you a prize."  He smiled really big and went into the pantry to get the prize that he'd gotten for me and here's what he had in his hand...

I laughed so hard when I saw this.  He said, "I knew you loved them!"

I love him...he is so good and I am so thankful to have him!!!

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