11/16/09 - the day I found out...
So, there I was in my broker's office, and she just up and asks me when Jeff and I are going to have a baby. I told here that we had put it in God's hands and when it happens, it happens. That is not to say that I hadn't been thinking about it and hoping and praying that we would be lucky enough to get pregnant before Christmas (I had this great idea for how to break the news to our moms with little baby charms for their charm bracelets, but it would only work if we were pregnant before Christmas).
So after I said what I did, she said, "well, I think you already are pregnant!!" I was shocked and speechless when she said that! I didn't even know how to respond, so I just said, "why do you think that??" She was confident, but I just kind of blew it off.
After I ate lunch that day, I was feeling pretty rough and felt like I could go to sleep and sleep for days! So, I went home and because of what my broker had said earlier in the day and how I was feeling, I could not stop thinking about the fact that I might be pregnant. I decided to just take a test so I could put it out of my mind. I was so sure it would say "NO," and then I could just move on and get back to work.
Well, I got home and took the test, and to my surprise, it said "YES!" I literally almost passed out! I thought there is no way that's right, so I ran to the store and bought two more tests. When I got back home and took those, they both said "NO." I was SOOOO disappointed because by this point, I was getting super excited about the idea of being pregnant! Well, I called the doctor and explained what I had just done, and she said that I was probably very early and there was only a small amount of the pregnancy hormone in my system which is why the 2nd and 3rd tests said no. She told me to take another test the following morning and then call back.
That afternoon, I couldn't wait to take another test, so on the way home, I bought another two tests and took one when I got home. Sure enough, that one said "YES" too, and I was just giddy! I printed this silly little thing on the compute for Jeff, but I was so excited, I called him at work and told him. I was so mad at myself because I didn't even get to see his face when I told him the news.
11/24/09 - Initial consultation
When I called to let the doctor know that I was in fact pregnant, they set up my initial pregnancy consultation to get medical history and confirm the pregnancy. This was a quick visit, but exciting nonetheless! They gave me a goodie bag full of all kinds of information on pregnancy and FAQs and all kinds of goodies! Also, they set up my first ultrasound, saying they needed to measure "crown-rump length." I was really excited about this, but Jeff was a little unsure?!?!?
11/26/09 - I had to tell somebody
Although it had only been a little over a week since we found out, I was dying to tell someone!! On Thanksgiving, Jeff and I went to Tampa to have lunch with Stephanie, Thomas, and Thomas' parents. I got a "congratulations" card for Steph and wrote inside, "you're gonna be an Aunt!!" When she opened the card, she was speechless! Her eyes filled with tears, and we just started hugging and jumping for joy!! It was great, and I am so mad that our camera didn't work right; Jeff had the camera ready to snap a picture when she opened the card, but the camera stalled! UGH!
11/30/09 - first ultrasound
Our appointment was set for 1:30 pm, and Jeff and I both arrived around the same time. We were super excited! When we got in the room, it was very relaxing and felt very much like home, which was great considering! She got started with the ultrasound, but she quickly realized that it was too early to get the measurement that she needed, so she just snapped a few pictures, and we were on our way. We set up an appointment for two weeks later so they would be sure to get the measurement they needed.
12/10/09 - breaking the news to my mom
By this time, Jeff and I had known for almost a month, and since I talk to my mom everyday, it was extremely difficult to not tell her the news. However, waiting to tell mama in person was SO WORTH THE WAIT!! We arrived at mama's around 1:00 am, but we couldn't wait to give her the little gift we had for her.
Ever since I started thinking of having a baby, I wanted to be able to be pregnant before Christmas so that I could give our mom's a baby booty charm for their charm bracelets (that is how I wanted to break the news to them). So, there we are in the middle of the night and mama opens up her little gift. Jeff had the video camera rolling and caught it all on video. It was so awesome to see her reaction as she opened up the package and realized that we were giving her a baby booty charm, and then she realized why we were giving her that...it was awesome!!
12/12/09 - telling my dad
I thought it would be funny to have Jeff tell my dad that he's pregnant as a way of breaking the news. So, we arrived at my aunt's house, and I was so ready, so I said, "Daddy, Jeff has something he wants to tell you." Then Jeff, with his cute little face, just smirked and said, "I'm pregnant." It took everyone a few seconds to realize what he said and then they just looked at me and we all started hugging and jumping for joy!! It was cool.
12/22/09 - telling Jeff's mom
Okay, so by now, we've known for almost 6 weeks, and we've talked to Jeff's mom and Wendy multiple times, and it's been tough not to accidentally spill the beans. Again, it was SO worth the wait to be able to capture Ms. Beverly's reaction on camera. We spent the entire day driving to Charlotte to spend Christmas with them. So, about half way, Jeff called his mom and told her that we had a gift for her and John, but they would need to open it that night when we arrived or else it would spoil. This threw them way off course because they never had a clue what we were giving them!!
So we arrive, and Ms. Bev, Mr. John, Wendy, and the boys were there waiting for us. We got all of our things in, and then I got the video camera ready, and Jeff handed Ms. Bev the little package. She sat down and opened it, and her reaction was hilarious! She looked at the little booty, and immediately screamed, "NO YOU'RE NOT!!" It was great, and I got it all on camera. Ms. Bev and Wendy both started crying, and it was just a great time!!!
Well, that brings us up to date. I have my first OB visit next Monday, 1/4/10, and I'm sure I'll have more to update then.