Harrison is such a sweet spirit. He is happy and content most all the time, except if he's hungry, has a dirty diaper, or is getting ready for sleep. By nature, he is not a fussy baby. He loves to play on his activity mat, and we've recently started him in his ExerSaucer, and he loves it. He has already turned himself around a couple of times to play with the different characters. He is fascinated by Baby Einstein and trys to "talk" to the TV when it's on. We've also let him start watching Hermie; a Christian movie about a catapillar that questions God about himself until he becomes a beautiful butterfly...a very good story!! On a daily basis, Jeff and I read various books to Harrison as well as count and say our A-B-Cs. He seems to really enjoy it all!!
Harrison's 4-month check-up with Dr. Finer was last week, and as usual, he got a great report. He did super with his shots...I gave him some Tylenol before leaving home that day, and he only cried for a short minute after the shots were administered. He was a little fussy for a couple of days afterwards, but overall, he did really well.
Harrison's Stats:
Weight - 15.1 lbs
Length - 25"
Diapers - Size 2
Clothes - Size 3-6 months
Shoes - Size 1 (getting close to size 2)
Here are a few recent pictures of the handsome little fella:
"Talking" to the birds
Marlee got a little jealous and jumped in Jeff's lap
First time trying Rice Cereal...he wasn't a huge fan!
Mommy and Me
So handsome!
UCF vs. USF...we won! Harrison is UCF's good luck charm...they've not lost a game (FB or BB) that he's been to!
Harrison's first trip to Reddington Beach...that was all his stuff
He loves the ExerSaucer
Can't believe he's already 4 months old!
We're off to Charlotte today for a wonderul Thanksgiving with family! Harrison gets to meet his cousins, Griffin and Colton, and his Aunt Wendy and Uncle Randy. AND, he gets to see Grandma; he hasn't seen her since he was 3 weeks old...she's not going to believe how big he is now!
Happy Thanksgiving! Don't forget all that we have to be thankful for!