Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, January 30, 2009

Circa 1985ish

Momma's gonna kill me for posting this, but I couldn't resist!!

Gotta love the 80's!

Momm's on the left

Happy Friday

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

To Me!

Today marks 5 years at my job. It's so hard to believe that I've been here for 5 years. So much has happened in my life since I packed up and moved from Alabama five years ago, but that'll have to be another post.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Progress Report

So I've not discussed this with many, and I've certainly not posted on it before, but I have some exciting news.

Let me start off by saying that not long after Jeff and I got married, I got very lazy and cut back on my exercise and got very lax on my eating habits. Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happens when you basically quit exercising and don't cut back on your eating...YOU GAIN WEIGHT.

From our wedding date to New Year's (5 1/2 months), I successfully gained about 8 lbs. At our wedding, I already felt like I had about 5 lbs. that I wanted to lose, so come January 1, there was about 13 lbs I needed to lose, and another 7 that I wanted to lose. So, I set myself a goal of losing 20 lbs. by May 1st.

Drum Roll Please....................

So far, I've lost 5.8 lbs!!! I'm super excited and hope that I will continue to be dedicated to slimming down until I reach my goal! Once I reach my goal, I'm going to have to stay on top of it because it's so easy to let this and that go, and before you know it, I'll have packed on another 15 lbs.

I won't mention the Mexican food and Margarita that I had tonight...shhhh!

Hopefully I'll have another progress report with good "grades" at the end of February!!

Here's to a good week for all of you!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My missing pet

So, I'm working from home today and during one of my little potty breaks, I realized Marlee was missing. She had been sitting with me in the chair all morning long, but now I could not find her.

Since I have company coming this weekend, I'm in the process of getting the spare bedroom ready for them, so the bed is not made up at the moment.

Here's where I found Marlee...

Perched up there like she owns the joint!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Happiness is celebrating the little things.

Monday, January 19, 2009

6 Months

Today is our six month anniversary. Go ahead, make fun because I'm even mentioning it, but it's exciting!! I can't believe it's already been six months...

that's bubbles, not a fuzzy camera

I'm excited to see what the next six months will bring...I'm even more excited to see what the next 50 years will bring...

Happy Monday!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


My friend's Kristin and Michael Martin welcomed their second baby yesterday; Carlee Michelle Martin is her name!! I'm really happy for them and big sister Libby as they embark on this new chapter in their lives.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to Liz!!!

Today is my friend Liz's 30th birthday, and even though she is in San Francisco celebrating with Craig (her soon to be Fiance, I hope), I couldn't let the day go by without dedicating a post to her!!

Liz and I met 5 years ago when I moved to Orlando and started working at Metavante. I don't remember exactly how we got to talking (other than we were in the same department), but it didn't take long for us to hit it off. We quickly became friends, and we've been inspearable since then. We've spent most of the last 5 years working in the same departments within the company, and always hanging out outside of work. In our single days, which weren't very long because we both got BFs within a year, we had a lot of fun. And just because I'm now married and she's hopefully on her way to being engaged (this weekend, I hope), doesn't mean we don't still have fun. Our men grew up together in Vero Beach and lived together in college, so we all (along with our friends Brett and Kelly) always have a fabulous time!!

So, here's to you Liz, on your 30th birthday...I wish you the best birthday yet. May this next year bring you much happiness (I hope we hear wedding bells before the year is out!!) and laughter and blessings. You are such a good friend to me, and I am so thankful that God made our paths cross.

She was not happy to be turning 30 (her beads say, "30...why grow up?," and her shaker says "30 years and still shakin'."

I think we have about 900 pictures of this pose from the past 5 years

I had to sneak the silly face in...

Long Overdue

As mentioned in a previous blog, Jeff and I spent Christmas in Charlotte with his mom, Ms. Beverly, and his sister, Wendy, and her family (Randy, Griffin, and Colton). I was able to capture a few snapshots on Christmas Day that I wanted to share.

I'm bummed that I didn't get more of Griffin, but he was too busy enjoying his new Wii games. I also did not get a family picture of Wendy, Randy and the boys, nor did I get one of Jeff with his mom and sister...what kind of photographer do I call myself?!?!?

Anyway, enjoy the photos...

Jeff and his mom

Wendy (sis-in-law), Colton (2 yrs.) and Griffin (5 yrs.)

Griffin working the bow and arrow

Colton (aka...Bob the Builder)

Isn't he just the cutest 2 year old?!?!?

The newlyweds celebrating their 1st Christmas as husband and wife!!

Colton loves hats...he's too darn cute!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!'s been so long since I've posted. We've been busy with visiting family and enjoying our first married Christmas.

We went to Charlotte on Tuesday before Christmas to visit Jeff's family for Christmas. It was such a fun time...I just love his family and really enjoy spending time with them!! Our nephews, Griffin and Colton, are so adorable! They are 5 and almost 2, respectively, and they are so much fun to watch and play with!

Time always seems to go so fast when we have our family visits. It felt like we had just gotten there, and then it was time to come back home. We left Charlotte on Saturday which was not the best idea because everyone else on the East coast decided to drive home that day as well. The trip normally takes us about 8 hours...coming home on Saturday, it took us 12!! Traffic just bottle necked and it seemed like we'd never get home.

Well, we got home nonetheless. It's always so nice to get home and get back into your routine. My mom and sister came to visit us on Sunday, so as quick as we could get home, we were preparing for their visit. I was REALLY excited to have them come visit...they've not seen our new condo since they helped us move in back in October. Since we moved in, we've replaced the tile and painted, and the place looks way different. It was good to have them here.

Last night for New Years Eve, we had a low key night...I like it that way. We spent a few hours at our friends Brett & Kelly's house, and we were joined by Liz and Craig and Alyssa. I really enjoy spending time with these people...they are such GOOD friends!! We played Rock Band for a while, and then we all headed over to another party that was being hosted by some our other friends, Dan and Leann. They bought a house in College Park last year and have spent the last 8-9 months renovating looks amazing! I just love the was built in the 20's, so it's so unique, but they've really modernized it, but it also has this really nice rustic feel...very nice!!

Okay, so now here it is New Years Day and I'm ready to kick off 2009. I feel so blessed for all that happened in my life in 2008. It was the best year of my life so far...I got married, we bought a second condo and became landlords...hopefully we'll continue to be blessed to keep this going!! 2009 is going to be a good year...I just know it!

I wish you all a very Happy New Year...may 2009 bring you many blessings!

I have pictures and some video from Christmas, so I'll be posting that soon...